Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Bon Voyage, Noah"

"Independently of the truth of such speculations, it is clear that nonlocal coherence has important implications. It signals that there is not only
matter and energy in the universe,
but also a more subtle yet real element: an element that connects,
and which produces the observed quasi-instant forms of coherence."
Ervin Laszlo, Science and the Akashic Field

“No Remoras”

Empathinc. Artist Noah Shark: Information Inversion Project. Week 6.

“No Remoras, no Regrets.” Noah Shark.

“Family Outing”

“Healthy lifestyle habits, including healthy eating and physical activity, can lower the risk of becoming obese and developing related diseases.3”

Empathinc. Artist Noah Shark: Information Inversion Project. Week 6.

“Never eat anything bigger than your head. Rules to live by.” Noah Shark.

“The Rumble”

“Entire cultures appear to share information among themselves, even though they are not in any known form of contact with one another.”

Empathinc. Artist Noah Shark: Information Inversion Project. Week 6.

“Hey, one of you humans have your choreographer get in touch with me.”

Noah Shark.

“Baby Shark”

Don’t underestimate baby intelligence. The brain of a newborn baby has some 200 billion cells, each primed to form connections with the cells around it. Stimulating the neurons of the brain is the key to their survival.

Empathinc. Artist Noah Shark: Information Inversion Project. Week 6.

“And don’t ever put me in the corner.” Noah Shark.

“My Night on Stage, 1984”

Empathinc. Artist Noah Shark: Information Inversion Project. Week 6.

“I’m so vain, I’m sure this song is about me.” Noah Shark.

Next: "The Mechanics of Crepe Myrtle"

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