To Cynthia Underwood"
To Cynthia Underwood"
empathinc.: our story would be incomplete without your story.
Monday at 11:45pm · LikeUnlike ·
2 people like this.
Cynthia Underwood: One of these days I'm gonna look into your story.
Monday at 11:53pm · LikeUnlike
empathinc.: and you will see a reflection of yours, Cynthia.
Tuesday at 12:10am · LikeUnlike
Cynthia Underwood: More info please.
Tuesday at 12:13am · LikeUnlike
empathinc.: Ok. but I have to ponder a bit.
Tuesday at 12:16am · LikeUnlike
Cynthia Underwood: I'll be waiting.
Tuesday at 12:20am · Like
Monday at 11:45pm · LikeUnlike ·
2 people like this.
Cynthia Underwood: One of these days I'm gonna look into your story.
Monday at 11:53pm · LikeUnlike
empathinc.: and you will see a reflection of yours, Cynthia.
Tuesday at 12:10am · LikeUnlike
Cynthia Underwood: More info please.
Tuesday at 12:13am · LikeUnlike
empathinc.: Ok. but I have to ponder a bit.
Tuesday at 12:16am · LikeUnlike
Cynthia Underwood: I'll be waiting.
Tuesday at 12:20am · Like
“The dimension of the divine opens forth from the human face.”
Emmanual Levinas, Totality and Infinity

"Humanomaly"© 2002
Watercolor on Paper
From the "Commanomaly© Series"
"For Levinas, coming face to face with the Other is a non-symmetrical relationship. I am responsible for the Other without knowing that the Other will reciprocate. Whether or not Others reciprocate is their affair not mine. Thus, according to Levinas, I am subject to the Other without knowing how it will come out. In this relationship, Levinas finds the meaning of being human and of being concerned with justice......I am intrigued with the simplicity of Levinas’ idea that in the human face is found the original ethical code. From a look into the face of the Other we become aware of basic human responsibility and meaning. Levinas is critical of a society in which people are depersonalized, in which they move around side by side rather than meet face to face. "
From: Face to Face by Elder Lindahl (read entire article hear)
From: Face to Face by Elder Lindahl (read entire article hear)

"Investigative Reporter"© 2004
Watercolor on Paper
From the "My Nature Series"
Yeah, well all this face time is cool and all, but I'm talking about story here. We share our stories. That we feel more fulfilled in the writing of them is another concern. We speak. Our faces contort, our muscles strain. Air passes over our larynx and produces modulated sound. Sound that has some sort of codified meaning. Our face and our story are indivisible. As I recognize my responsibility in recognizing your face, so I recognize the profound impact (on my story) of your story. If this implies that I cannot kill you, please don't confine that to physicality. There are many ways to die. Many ways to kill. An essential conceptual murder is in silencing. Turning a deaf ear to your story. Thinking of responses even as you are sharing your dialogue. Listening is great. Taking in an Other's story is a gift to both parties. This gift (enacted) is the God and The Universe conversation.
Women In Art from Philip Scott Johnson on Vimeo.
“Somehow our devils are never quite what we expect
when we meet them face to face."
Nelson DeMille
This concludes Week Twenty Four of
"The God and The Universe Conversations".
All art and writing by Tom Schulz unless otherwise noted, or unless it is so cool
he will try to get away with claiming it as his own."The God and The Universe Conversations" are based on Tom's protracted reading of Process and Reality, by Alfred North Whitehead.
he will try to get away with claiming it as his own."The God and The Universe Conversations" are based on Tom's protracted reading of Process and Reality, by Alfred North Whitehead.
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