Eudora Welty
In this moment, I am choosing
to define Courage as:In this moment, I am choosing
the ability to thrive outside of an accepted
and familiar system of being.
For me, this embraces the marvelous
and the heroic.
But, more significantly,
it also recognizes interactions
with the marvelous
and the mundane as
potentially definable acts of courage.
"Towards Sheryl's House - 7:13 AM"© 2010
Watercolor on paper
define Patience as:
the ability to embrace a format of time involvement that transcends
a conventional time construction.
I often pretend that I have all the time in the world. And then, with a quality performance, indeed I do.
Which is not to say that I may squander the Currency.
Which is not to say that I may squander the Currency.
For second or millennium,
it is all the same.
it is all the same.
I cannot be patient with you. Patience is not granted.
I can only make myself available.
"Untitled"© 1970
Watercolor on paper
Paintings by Tom Schulz
The gourd has still its bitter leaves,
And deep the crossing at the ford.
I wait my lord.
The ford is brimming to its banks;
The pheasant cries upon her mate.
My lord is late.
The boatman still keeps beckoning,
And others reach their journey's end.
I wait my friend.
Written in B.C. 718
Helen Waddell/ Compiled 1913
And deep the crossing at the ford.
I wait my lord.
The ford is brimming to its banks;
The pheasant cries upon her mate.
My lord is late.
The boatman still keeps beckoning,
And others reach their journey's end.
I wait my friend.
Written in B.C. 718
Helen Waddell/ Compiled 1913
Press Arrow to Play Video.
"Defining Patience - DISCouRSe"© 2010
Video Sketch
From "The Systemic Amazement Factorial"©IMpatience - see if you get a reply.
Next: Courage and Genesis (for Phoebe)
In my experience, another piece of the relationship between courage and patience is being courageous enough to 'put it out there' and then exercise even more strength by being patient in the realization that you cannot effect the results of your output.
Courage and patience gather strength from each other in prayer. Courage: you have to acknowledge pain and desire actively. Patience: waiting for ingredients to transform -- like cooking, trying not to spoil your appetite with something else, hoping the outcome is as good as you think it will be, and the actual taste, if it comes to fruition, experienced on its own terms, maybe not what you imagined, hopefully filling the need.
Patience is more than waiting. It is looking, attending, seeking. It is giving someone else, or some thing, the opportunity to speak or move or happen.
Courage comes in believing it will happen and then accepting whatever form it takes.
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