"Volunteers and donors are transforming the
hospital experience. Lives are saved, new techniques
are implemented, grieving families are comforted."
Donald K. Jonas, Ph.D.
From "Difference Makers"
Message from the Director
"Extreme Makeover: Presbyterian Hospital Edition"
Read entire article here: file:///private/var/tmp/folders.501/TemporaryItems/com.apple.mail.drag/Fall%202009%20PHF%20Newsletter.pdf

Jack Matney Memorial Labyrinth
Presbyterian Hospital. Charlotte NC
Photo by In2Wit © 2007 Thoughtful Information Design
I love to read the begats of Biblical stories, mythological tales, and historical genealogies. They are like equations to me: lifelines of understanding that lead to logical conclusions. Complex, but not complicated.
Direct access to answers. To solutions.
Read one fascinating book here.

Weisiger Chapel
Sculptural Altar wall in memory of Allen Bigelow
Presbyterian Hospital. Charlotte NC
Photo by In2Wit © 2007 Thoughtful Information Design
But life is not that simple, is it?
We have Pacts and Pax and PACs and Packs of personal and cultural History that we carry with us as if we are all clones of the great Atlas -
the awesome weight of the whole world upon our shoulders.
Powerful burdens that drag us down in our life journeys.

Prayer Sculpture "A Day of Remembrance"
In conjunction with Presbyterian Hospice and Palliative Care
and a grant from The Arts and Science Council.
Presbyterian Hospital. Charlotte NC
Photo by In2Wit © 2007 Thoughtful Information Design
Florence Sumner ( wonderful friend of my Mother, Jane Schulz) believed that it was much simpler than that. Florence lived by the Law of Love - actualizing the idea that one persons attentive detailing of love in action could, and would, make a
positive difference.
Florence took the abstract idea of empathetic response and made it concrete.
She gathered up the lost that gathered upon her doorstep and brought them into
Her Home.
Play Video at lower arrow.
"Trying to Connect" © 2008Random Video
From "The Systemic Amazement Factorial"©
Today. This week.
the ones you love and tell them,
"I love you"
"I wish you success, in what ever form that may take".
Call in love. Call for Florence. Call because we have so very little time in this
plane of existence.
Today. This week.
the ones you love and tell them,
"I love you"
"I wish you success, in what ever form that may take".
Call in love. Call for Florence. Call because we have so very little time in this
plane of existence.